4:00 o'clock today Monday October 11, 2010: after 15 days of deep sleep, our dear Gaygay's sufferings finally ended. She is our first cousin from my dad's 2nd sister. The 2nd of three girls.
A month ago, she was admitted in the hospital for typhoid fever. Her case made it worst because she is a sickly child. She was released from the hospital then went back again for complications. Then on one Monday, she incurred seizure then went into a state of coma.
I came to visit her a week after, that was even the days when the team of principals in the diocesan school is having their observation in our classes. And while i held her limp hand, sadness and deep sadness flowed over me.
She's so young, at sweet sixteen, a first year college and a scholarship waiting for her. Thoughts of which would be better flooded my mind. Would it be better if she will go? Or pray for a miracle?
As she lays there, with the machine which is the only one keeping her alive, she looks so peacefully asleep. But as I look at uncle and auntie, pain is in their eyes. But somewhat, the truth will have to be accepted. Maybe the consolation we quietly realized is that at least there was enough time of joy she gave to her parents for she was conceived when nobody expected auntie to get pregnant. And during her growing up years, she always suffer from migraine. Now, she will feel those sufferings no more. And the most greatest gift our angel Gaygay gave is the reconciliation of my aunts and uncles after a very long time of no communication and indifferences.
I cannot fathom God's wisdom for letting her slip from us, but for sure, she is now an angel resting in the comforts of God's heavenly kingdom guarding and guiding her family.
She also reminds of how short life is and therefore be lived to the fullest in the glory of God.
Rest now, Gaygay dear, your sufferings has now ended. Be the angel your mom and dad needs now. Thank you for briefly spending joy with us. Thank you for reconciling the siblings and may their bonding be restored as brothers and sisters.
She's so young, and indeed who ever thought typhoid fever will take her away from her parents?
May the family be kept strong as she is now in peace in the Almighty's hands...
thanks again, Bevs.
There are two types of typhoid, one is curable while the other is not (bah, i forgot their medical terms...i just remember the doc saying it that way).
My cuz went to Manila a month ago and that's where she got it. It just so happens that her immune system is weak and the type that claimed her is the fatal one.
Well, at least all of us especially the whole family came to accept that it is her time to go.
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