With the death of one of my student last Sunday, it made me ponder on life itself. That event is a reminder that everything has an end. No matter how much we try prevent it, death comes and it will come. What is worst is that it comes on times when we least expect it.
I remember Charlz was just seated on the 2nd row in the middle column of the seating arrangement smiling last Friday, July 25. A well behaved boy with a warm personality.Sunday came and we reported to school for the homeroom PTA meeting and the news of his suicide welcomed us. What a lost! At first many doesn't want to believe it and so we went to their house to verify. And we saw him there ready to be embalmed.
As to why did he do it? That we don't know for not even a note was left in his room.Family and friends are puzzled for they were just with him Saturday night. The nearest possible reason they can point out is family problem, the illness of his father and the series of consecutive deaths in their family ( imagine the death of his two uncles and one grandfather in just one year? And prior to that, there are two more cousin's father who passed away last 2009.)
Life, how precious and fragile it is. What we make out of this life will affect where and what we will become when we meet death. Personally, I realized that I might be working hard earning for a comfortable future but am I also prepared for the inevitable? Or I might have prepared well myself, done good and served God but in just a split of a second decision to take away my life can erase all of the good deeds diverting my path from heaven into what they call Limbo if not in hell. This is what I fear. It is not the ghost of the dead nor the hardships of life but the capacity of the individual to take away his own life using his own hand. I hope and pray that the series of suicide happening in our locality will end.
To those who have gone ahead in the afterlife, may they all rest in peace in Christ Jesus. And may the evil that claims prematurely life come to an end. Amen.
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